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Sinterklaas & Diego: Het Geheim van de Ring (2014)

Movies Detail of Sinterklaas & Diego: Het Geheim van de Ring (2014)

✓ Title : Sinterklaas & Diego: Het Geheim van de Ring
✓ Release Date : October 8th, 2014
✓ Genres : Family, Adventure, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 75 minutes
✓ Director : Roy Poortmans
✓ Writers : Roy Poortmans, Harold Verwoert, Dick Bouquet, Louisa Verwoert
✓ Company : Nickelodeon Productions
✓ Country : Netherlands
✓ Cast : Coosje Smid, Ernst Daniël Smid, Peter Faber, Ron Boszhard, Iris Hesseling, Johnny Kraaijkamp jr., Harold Verwoert

Synopsis of Sinterklaas & Diego: Het Geheim van de Ring (2014)

Dutch children’s friend Saint Nicholas is at his wit's end. The letters from children are stacking up and the list of gifts just keeps getting longer. How is he supposed to deliver all those gifts to all those sweet little children in one night? When Diego proposes to ask good old Santa for help, they travel to the North Pole, together with Clumsy Pete and children Max and Anna. Everything seems to work out fine, until Famke and Yvette, two escaped convicts, mess things up. Will Saint Nicolas and his Petes be able to save the feast of St. Nicholas?

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Well, Sinterklaas & Diego: Het Geheim van de Ring (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Sinterklaas & Diego: Het Geheim van de Ring (2014) itselft directed by Roy Poortmans and Starring by Coosje Smid, Ernst Daniël Smid, Peter Faber, Ron Boszhard, Iris Hesseling, Johnny Kraaijkamp jr., Harold Verwoert which made Sinterklaas & Diego: Het Geheim van de Ring (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Sinterklaas & Diego: Het Geheim van de Ring (2014)

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