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American Commando 2 — Hunting Express (1988)

Movies Detail of American Commando 2 — Hunting Express (1988)

✓ Title : American Commando 2 — Hunting Express
✓ Release Date : March 25th, 1988
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Phillip Ko
✓ Writers : Godfrey Ho, AAV Creative Unit, Keith Chan
✓ Company : IFD Films & Arts Company
✓ Country : Hong Kong
✓ Cast : Meike Blishke, Rick Pearce, Sean Odell, Pierre Kirby, Lee Dae-geun

Synopsis of American Commando 2 — Hunting Express (1988)

Japan, a world of evil, where young girls are forced into prostitution and violent death is a fact of life. When Hank, trained in the art of survival by the elite American Commandos in Viet Nam, meets Janis, he never suspects her past. Until a shocking turn of events.

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Well, American Commando 2 — Hunting Express (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The American Commando 2 — Hunting Express (1988) itselft directed by Phillip Ko and Starring by Meike Blishke, Rick Pearce, Sean Odell, Pierre Kirby, Lee Dae-geun which made American Commando 2 — Hunting Express (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

American Commando 2 — Hunting Express (1988)

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