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Fucking Different Tel Aviv (2009)

Movies Detail of Fucking Different Tel Aviv (2009)

✓ Title : Fucking Different Tel Aviv
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 2009
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 94 minutes
✓ Directors : Yair Hochner, Sivan Levy, Yossi Brauman, Stephanie Abramovich, Avital Barak, Hila Ben Baruch, Eyal Bromberg, Sie Gal, Eran Koblik Kedar, Yasmin Max, Nir Ne'eman, Ricardo Rojstaczer, Anat Salomon, November Wanderin, Elad Zakai
✓ Company : Kristian Petersen Filmproduktion
✓ Countries : Israel, Germany
✓ Cast : Océan Leroy, Ofer Regirer, Jonni Zicoltz, Uri Avrahami, Sivan Levy, Ben Ravid, Evelin Hagoel, Izik Zaig, Liat Ekta, Guy Cohen

Synopsis of Fucking Different Tel Aviv (2009)

As in previous editions, lesbian filmmakers were asked to visualize their conceptions and observations of gay eroticism and sexuality, just as, conversely, gay filmmakers were asked to explore lesbian love in the Israeli capital.

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Well, Fucking Different Tel Aviv (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fucking Different Tel Aviv (2009) itselft directed by Yair Hochner, Sivan Levy, Yossi Brauman, Stephanie Abramovich, Avital Barak, Hila Ben Baruch, Eyal Bromberg, Sie Gal, Eran Koblik Kedar, Yasmin Max, Nir Ne'eman, Ricardo Rojstaczer, Anat Salomon, November Wanderin, Elad Zakai and Starring by Océan Leroy, Ofer Regirer, Jonni Zicoltz, Uri Avrahami, Sivan Levy, Ben Ravid, Evelin Hagoel, Izik Zaig, Liat Ekta, Guy Cohen which made Fucking Different Tel Aviv (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Fucking Different Tel Aviv (2009)

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