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Devil's Prey (2001)

Movies Detail of Devil's Prey (2001)

✓ Title : Devil's Prey
✓ Release Date : July 31st, 2001
✓ Genre : Horror
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Bradford May
✓ Writers : C. Courtney Joyner, Randall Frakes
✓ Companies : American World Pictures (AWP), Triad Productions
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Jennifer Lyons, Patrick Bergin, Elena Lyons, Bryan Kirkwood, Charlie O'Connell, Ashley Jones

Synopsis of Devil's Prey (2001)

A group of young adults attend an all-night rave, only to discover that it's a trap for a satanic cult that requires flesh for bloody sacrifices.

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Well, Devil's Prey (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Devil's Prey (2001) itselft directed by Bradford May and Starring by Jennifer Lyons, Patrick Bergin, Elena Lyons, Bryan Kirkwood, Charlie O'Connell, Ashley Jones which made Devil's Prey (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Devil's Prey (2001)

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