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Mascarades (2008)

Movies Detail of Mascarades (2008)

✓ Title : Mascarades
✓ Release Date : November 25th, 2008
✓ Genres : Comedy, Drama
✓ Director : Lyes Salem
✓ Writers : Lyes Salem, Nathalie Saugeon
✓ Companies : Dharamsala, ARTE France Cinéma
✓ Countries : France, Algeria
✓ Cast : Lyes Salem, Mourad Khen, Mohamed Bouchaib, Sarah Reguieg, Rym Takoucht, Merouane Zmirli

Synopsis of Mascarades (2008)

Mounir Mekbek lives with his family in a small village in the heart of the Algerian countryside. Very proud and sure of himself, he has only one dream- to finally be appreciated by his fellow villagers. Screwing up his carefully maintained image is his headstrong, narcoleptic sister Rym who falls asleep anywhere and whom the village is convinced will end up a spinster. One evening, Mounir returns from town drunk and announces that he's found a suitor for his sister. The fake story snowballs and snowballs until the suitor morphs into a rich, blonde Australian. The village begins preparing for the wedding in earnest - but without a bridegroom in sight.

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Well, Mascarades (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Mascarades (2008) itselft directed by Lyes Salem and Starring by Lyes Salem, Mourad Khen, Mohamed Bouchaib, Sarah Reguieg, Rym Takoucht, Merouane Zmirli which made Mascarades (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Mascarades (2008)

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