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Love, Passion and Pleasure (1972)

Movies Detail of Love, Passion and Pleasure (1972)

✓ Title : Love, Passion and Pleasure
✓ Original Title : Beffe, licenze et amori del Decamerone segreto
✓ Release Date : August 14th, 1972
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Giuseppe Vari
✓ Writers : Antonio Racioppi, Giovanni Boccaccio, Gastone Ramazzotti
✓ Company : Corinzia
✓ Country : Italy
✓ Cast : Orchidea De Santis, Jaime Manca Graziadei, Carla Mancini, Patrizia Viotti, Claudia Bianchi, Renzo Rinaldi, Dado Crostarosa, Giacomo Rizzo, Luciano Troiani, Malisa Longo

Synopsis of Love, Passion and Pleasure (1972)

Cecco Angiolieri has joined, as storytellers and acrobats, the traveling company of Camillo. The stupidity of this man is so great that Cecco, inventing contagious childhood diseases, replacing it with his wife Dinda until the woman becomes pregnant. Meanwhile, the company has come in a city ruled by poetastro ser Gianni: Cecco, using his poetic vocation, getting license show for his teammates and conquers the woman, Tessa. Another victim of his jokes is fierce mother Lucrezia, new superior of the local monastery: Cecco, after forcing her to strip naked in the brothel of Filippa, precedes the convent pretending to it. Later, he clarified the misunderstanding, it becomes the lover and requires it to give shelter to Dinda, until Camillo is not ready to accept happily the unborn child as his.

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Well, Love, Passion and Pleasure (1972) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Love, Passion and Pleasure (1972) itselft directed by Giuseppe Vari and Starring by Orchidea De Santis, Jaime Manca Graziadei, Carla Mancini, Patrizia Viotti, Claudia Bianchi, Renzo Rinaldi, Dado Crostarosa, Giacomo Rizzo, Luciano Troiani, Malisa Longo which made Love, Passion and Pleasure (1972) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Love, Passion and Pleasure (1972)

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