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Victoria (1979)

Movies Detail of Victoria (1979)

✓ Title : Victoria
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1979
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Directors : Sylvia Ingemarsson, Bo Widerberg
✓ Writers : Bo Widerberg, Knut Hamsun
✓ Companies : Corona Filmproduktion, Bo Widerberg Film
✓ Countries : Germany, Sweden
✓ Cast : Gustaf Kleen, Thor W. Jacobsen, Stephan Schwartz, Pia Skagermark, Erik Eriksson, Sigmar Solbach, Amelie von Essen, Michaela Jolin, Hans Christian Blech, Christiane Hörbiger

Synopsis of Victoria (1979)

The tragic romance between the son of a miller and a landlord's daughter. Based on the novel by Knut Hamsun.

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Well, Victoria (1979) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Victoria (1979) itselft directed by Sylvia Ingemarsson, Bo Widerberg and Starring by Gustaf Kleen, Thor W. Jacobsen, Stephan Schwartz, Pia Skagermark, Erik Eriksson, Sigmar Solbach, Amelie von Essen, Michaela Jolin, Hans Christian Blech, Christiane Hörbiger which made Victoria (1979) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Victoria (1979)

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