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Il pugile e la ballerina (2007)

Movies Detail of Il pugile e la ballerina (2007)

✓ Title : Il pugile e la ballerina
✓ Release Date : April 17th, 2007
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Il pugile e la ballerina (2007)

Enzo is an art dealer, homosexual, and Fabio a boxer from the suburbs, heterosexual. Enzo is in love with Fabio, but Fabio doesnt feel the same for Enzo. Then, there is another couple, the one of two policemen: Osho, the policeman with more experience, and Carletto, the younger one. Enzo and Fabio live together in a big house in the centre of Rome, which overlooks a small square, animated by peculiar characters: the customers and the staff of a typical roman restaurant, artists and managers of art galleries, shady characters involved in dubious business. Fabio loves the comfort of living in the city centre, but Enzo, he simply loves Fabio. Carletto and Osho are also a strange couple: they're not real policemen. Osho is a former policeman, Carletto, instead, failed his competitive exam to become a policeman. Osho, feigns to be a policeman and makes small swindles, which allow them to make both ends meet.

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Il pugile e la ballerina (2007)

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