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Tinke the Wolfgirl (2002)

Movies Detail of Tinke the Wolfgirl (2002)

✓ Title : Tinke the Wolfgirl
✓ Original Title : Ulvepigen Tinke
✓ Release Date : June 14th, 2002
✓ Genres : Family, Drama
✓ Runtime : 93 minutes
✓ Director : Morton Køhlert
✓ Writers : Morton Køhlert, Cecil Bødker
✓ Cast : Jonas Oscarsson, Erik Wedersøe, Peter Jeppe Hansen, Sarah Juel Werner, Bent Mejding, Birthe Neumann, Lisbet Dahl, Kjeld Nørgaad, Sarah Boberg

Synopsis of Tinke the Wolfgirl (2002)

While out and about tending to his herd, young shepherd Larus meets a mysterious little girl named Tinke. Quickly realizing that the girl is alone, Larus brings Tinke some food and slowly builds a friendship with her. Tinke, whose parents died within the past year, has managed to survive by her own devices in the wild and has hence become quite feral. Larus convinces Tinke to come to his home so that his parents can take care of her

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Well, Tinke the Wolfgirl (2002) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Tinke the Wolfgirl (2002) itselft directed by Morton Køhlert and Starring by Jonas Oscarsson, Erik Wedersøe, Peter Jeppe Hansen, Sarah Juel Werner, Bent Mejding, Birthe Neumann, Lisbet Dahl, Kjeld Nørgaad, Sarah Boberg which made Tinke the Wolfgirl (2002) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Tinke the Wolfgirl (2002)

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