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El prado de las estrellas (2007)

Movies Detail of El prado de las estrellas (2007)

✓ Title : El prado de las estrellas
✓ Release Date : November 1st, 2007
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Director : Mario Camus
✓ Writer : Mario Camus
✓ Cast : José Manuel Cervino, Manuel Alexandre, Álvaro de Luna, Mary González, Antonio de la Torre, Óscar Abad, Marián Aguilera, Rodolfo Sancho

Synopsis of El prado de las estrellas (2007)

Alfonso is a retiree who visits Nanda, an elderly woman who was like his mother when he was orphaned, at a residence where Luisa, a young social worker, works. One morning, collecting snails in the Prado de las Estrellas, Alfonso meets a young man who emerges from the mist on his bike. Thereafter a friendship is born between the old master and the promising young cyclist. Alfonso, supported by his friends, without equipment or sponsors, will make a great champion from Martin, and most importantly, a great guy.

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Well, El prado de las estrellas (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The El prado de las estrellas (2007) itselft directed by Mario Camus and Starring by José Manuel Cervino, Manuel Alexandre, Álvaro de Luna, Mary González, Antonio de la Torre, Óscar Abad, Marián Aguilera, Rodolfo Sancho which made El prado de las estrellas (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

El prado de las estrellas (2007)

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