Movies Detail of No Babies on the Field (2015)
✓ Title : No Babies on the Field
✓ Original Title : Dames 4
✓ Release Date : February 7th, 2015
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Maurice Trouwborst
✓ Writer : Lotte Tabbers
✓ Company : CTM LEV Pictures
✓ Country : Netherlands
✓ Cast : Sanne Gloria Verboom, Hannah van Lunteren, Ko Zandvliet, Jennifer Hoffman, Peter van de Witte, Guido Pollemans, Jurjen van Loon, Tibor Lukács, Ryanne van Dorst, Maaike Martens
✓ Original Title : Dames 4
✓ Release Date : February 7th, 2015
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 90 minutes
✓ Director : Maurice Trouwborst
✓ Writer : Lotte Tabbers
✓ Company : CTM LEV Pictures
✓ Country : Netherlands
✓ Cast : Sanne Gloria Verboom, Hannah van Lunteren, Ko Zandvliet, Jennifer Hoffman, Peter van de Witte, Guido Pollemans, Jurjen van Loon, Tibor Lukács, Ryanne van Dorst, Maaike Martens
Synopsis of No Babies on the Field (2015)
The immature Wyne starts a football team to rebel against all her friends whose lives have become dull and boring since either giving birth or becoming pregnant. However, she threatens to lose everything through unexpected events.
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Well, No Babies on the Field (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The No Babies on the Field (2015) itselft directed by Maurice Trouwborst and Starring by Sanne Gloria Verboom, Hannah van Lunteren, Ko Zandvliet, Jennifer Hoffman, Peter van de Witte, Guido Pollemans, Jurjen van Loon, Tibor Lukács, Ryanne van Dorst, Maaike Martens which made No Babies on the Field (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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