Movies Detail of The Locusts (1997)
✓ Title : The Locusts
✓ Release Date : October 3rd, 1997
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 124 minutes
✓ Director : John Patrick Kelley
✓ Writer : John Patrick Kelley
✓ Companies : Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA), Orion Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Jerry Haynes, Vince Vaughn, Jessica Capshaw, Ashley Judd, Jeremy Davies, Kate Capshaw, Jessica Robertson, Jimmy Ray Pickens, Daniel Meyer, Paul Rudd
✓ Release Date : October 3rd, 1997
✓ Genres : Drama, Romance
✓ Runtime : 124 minutes
✓ Director : John Patrick Kelley
✓ Writer : John Patrick Kelley
✓ Companies : Motion Picture Corporation of America (MPCA), Orion Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Jerry Haynes, Vince Vaughn, Jessica Capshaw, Ashley Judd, Jeremy Davies, Kate Capshaw, Jessica Robertson, Jimmy Ray Pickens, Daniel Meyer, Paul Rudd
Synopsis of The Locusts (1997)
Delilah Potts has always had her choice of men to work her ranch and fill her bed. But from the moment Clay Hewitt, a handsome drifter with a mysterious past, arrives at her door, Delilah knows that her life will never be the same. And when he spurns her affections, she unleashes a torrent of forbidden passions and deadly secrets that will prove to Clay that the only thing darker and more dangerous than the past he's escaping... is the one he's about to discover.
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Well, The Locusts (1997) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Locusts (1997) itselft directed by John Patrick Kelley and Starring by Jerry Haynes, Vince Vaughn, Jessica Capshaw, Ashley Judd, Jeremy Davies, Kate Capshaw, Jessica Robertson, Jimmy Ray Pickens, Daniel Meyer, Paul Rudd which made The Locusts (1997) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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