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Vuelve, querida Nati (1976)

Movies Detail of Vuelve, querida Nati (1976)

✓ Title : Vuelve, querida Nati
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1976
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 92 minutes
✓ Directors : Isabel Mulá, José María Forqué
✓ Writers : José María Forqué, Hermógenes Sáinz
✓ Companies : Cámara 5, Producciones Cinematográficas Orfeo, C.B. Films S.A.
✓ Countries : Venezuela, Spain
✓ Cast : Emilio Fornet, Antonio Gamero, José Orjas, María Salerno, Gracita Morales, Amparo Soler Leal, Haydée Balza, Joaquín Roa, Emma Cohen, Aleksander Milic

Synopsis of Vuelve, querida Nati (1976)

Doña Nati, the owner of a house of prostitutes, takes a little vacation to attend his niece's first communion in the village. She is accompanied on the trip by three of his pupils: Barbara, Mercedes and Eva who pretend to be her friends. But soon, men realize what they are and begin to try to flirt with them. Doña Nati makes a splendid gift to the people and thus wins the favor of its inhabitants.

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Well, Vuelve, querida Nati (1976) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Vuelve, querida Nati (1976) itselft directed by Isabel Mulá, José María Forqué and Starring by Emilio Fornet, Antonio Gamero, José Orjas, María Salerno, Gracita Morales, Amparo Soler Leal, Haydée Balza, Joaquín Roa, Emma Cohen, Aleksander Milic which made Vuelve, querida Nati (1976) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Vuelve, querida Nati (1976)

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