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Alien Presence (2009)

Movies Detail of Alien Presence (2009)

✓ Title : Alien Presence
✓ Release Date : March 17th, 2009
✓ Genres : Science Fiction, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : David DeCoteau
✓ Writers : Matthew Jason Walsh, Paula Goldberg
✓ Company : Rapid Heart Pictures
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Jeremy Ray Simpson, Krista Allen, Stephen Hansen, Scott Seymour, Mark DaSilva, Greg Sestero, Jean St. James, Tom Sandoval, Dominick Monteleone, Avalon Barrie

Synopsis of Alien Presence (2009)

An alien teenager is apparently kept in a coma at a government compound with handsome medical students, but strange disturbances start to occur.

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Well, Alien Presence (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Alien Presence (2009) itselft directed by David DeCoteau and Starring by Jeremy Ray Simpson, Krista Allen, Stephen Hansen, Scott Seymour, Mark DaSilva, Greg Sestero, Jean St. James, Tom Sandoval, Dominick Monteleone, Avalon Barrie which made Alien Presence (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Alien Presence (2009)

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