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Guten Tag, Ramón (2013)

Movies Detail of Guten Tag, Ramón (2013)

✓ Title : Guten Tag, Ramón
✓ Release Date : October 18th, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 119 minutes
✓ Director : Jorge Ramírez Suárez
✓ Writer : Jorge Ramírez Suárez
✓ Companies : Beanca Films, Eficine 226, Fondo de Inversión y Estímulos al Cine (FIDECINE), MPN Cologne Film 3
✓ Countries : Mexico, Germany
✓ Cast : Arcelia Ramírez, Marcel Batangtaris, Adriana Barraza, Franziska Kruse, Rüdiger Evers, Kristyan Ferrer, Hector Kotsifakis, Ingeborg Schöner, Marius Biegai, Andreas Berg

Synopsis of Guten Tag, Ramón (2013)

After five failed attempts to go to the United States, 18-year-old Ramón decides to look for a friend’s aunt in Germany, but never finds her. With no papers or money, and without knowing the language, he barely survives living on the street until he meets Ruth, an old retired nurse who doesn’t speak Spanish. Beyond language barriers and prejudices, they discover that solidarity and humanity make life bearable.

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Well, Guten Tag, Ramón (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Guten Tag, Ramón (2013) itselft directed by Jorge Ramírez Suárez and Starring by Arcelia Ramírez, Marcel Batangtaris, Adriana Barraza, Franziska Kruse, Rüdiger Evers, Kristyan Ferrer, Hector Kotsifakis, Ingeborg Schöner, Marius Biegai, Andreas Berg which made Guten Tag, Ramón (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Guten Tag, Ramón (2013)

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