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Φάκελος Πολκ στον αέρα (1988)

Movies Detail of Φάκελος Πολκ στον αέρα (1988)

✓ Title : Φάκελος Πολκ στον αέρα
✓ Release Date : October 1st, 1988
✓ Genres : Drama, Thriller
✓ Director : Dionysis Grigoratos
✓ Writer : Dionysis Grigoratos
✓ Companies : Cine Group, Greek Film Centre, EPT
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Panos Hatzikoutselis, Agapi Manoura, Vangelis Kazan, Alkis Panagiotidis, Mihalis Kosmidis, Nikos Hytas, Pavlos Kontoyannidis, Kostas Hatzoudis, Katerina Karayanni, Ilias Katevas

Synopsis of Φάκελος Πολκ στον αέρα (1988)

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Well, Φάκελος Πολκ στον αέρα (1988) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Φάκελος Πολκ στον αέρα (1988) itselft directed by Dionysis Grigoratos and Starring by Panos Hatzikoutselis, Agapi Manoura, Vangelis Kazan, Alkis Panagiotidis, Mihalis Kosmidis, Nikos Hytas, Pavlos Kontoyannidis, Kostas Hatzoudis, Katerina Karayanni, Ilias Katevas which made Φάκελος Πολκ στον αέρα (1988) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Φάκελος Πολκ στον αέρα (1988)

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