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Dom får aldrig mig - En film om Asta Kask och punken (2006)

Movies Detail of Dom får aldrig mig - En film om Asta Kask och punken (2006)

✓ Title : Dom får aldrig mig - En film om Asta Kask och punken
✓ Release Date : November 15th, 2006
✓ Genres : Documentary, Music
✓ Directors : Staffan Danielsson, Erik Kolthoff
✓ Writers : Staffan Danielsson, Erik Kolthoff
✓ Cast : No Casts Available

Synopsis of Dom får aldrig mig - En film om Asta Kask och punken (2006)

In this one-hour documentary, we get to follow one of Sweden's most influential punk bands. During their active period 1978-86 they played in every single hole and sold lots of records, yet it was silent about them in the media. Although it's been twenty years since they stopped playing, they have always been discovered by new fans. In 2003, Asta Kask picks up the instruments again - not to be reunited but to take revenge on everyone who has been deceiving them over the years. The Gothenburg films Erik Kolthoff and Staffan Danielsson have followed the band during their revenge tour. Interviews about Asta Kask and the punk movement are mixed with old and new live material.

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Well, Dom får aldrig mig - En film om Asta Kask och punken (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Dom får aldrig mig - En film om Asta Kask och punken (2006) itselft directed by Staffan Danielsson, Erik Kolthoff and Starring by which made Dom får aldrig mig - En film om Asta Kask och punken (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Dom får aldrig mig - En film om Asta Kask och punken (2006)

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