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A Mother Knows Worst (2020)

Movies Detail of A Mother Knows Worst (2020)

✓ Title : A Mother Knows Worst
✓ Release Date : March 28th, 2020
✓ Genres : Thriller, Drama, TV Movie
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Directors : David Benullo, Robert Malenfant, Christian Ackerman, Marco Bargellini, John J. Tierney, Teresa Hartmann
✓ Writers : Stephen Lyons, Rebeca Hughes
✓ Company : Lifetime
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Corinne Laurance, Heather Ankeny, Tyee Tilghman, Jeff Schine, Katie Leclerc, Victoria Barabas, Katie Michels, Todd Cahoon, Martha Hackett, Tara Malenfant

Synopsis of A Mother Knows Worst (2020)

Tragedy strikes when Olivia and Harry Davis’ newborn baby doesn’t survive the birth. 6 months later the young couple have come to terms with their loss and are rebuilding their lives, they may even be ready to try again for a family soon. But when Olivia meets glamourous Brooke Marsden and her baby girl, she is overwhelmed by a feeling of love and longing. She quickly becomes obsessed with Brooke and her baby, which worries Harry. Is Olivia going crazy’ Or is a mother’s instinct always right’ Katie Leclerc and Jeff Schine star.

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Well, A Mother Knows Worst (2020) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The A Mother Knows Worst (2020) itselft directed by David Benullo, Robert Malenfant, Christian Ackerman, Marco Bargellini, John J. Tierney, Teresa Hartmann and Starring by Corinne Laurance, Heather Ankeny, Tyee Tilghman, Jeff Schine, Katie Leclerc, Victoria Barabas, Katie Michels, Todd Cahoon, Martha Hackett, Tara Malenfant which made A Mother Knows Worst (2020) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

A Mother Knows Worst (2020)

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