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Bonus (2001)

Movies Detail of Bonus (2001)

✓ Title : Bonus
✓ Original Title : Εφάπαξ
✓ Release Date : November 30th, 2001
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 85 minutes
✓ Directors : Nikos Zapatinas, Christos Voupouras
✓ Writer : Nikos Zapatinas
✓ Companies : Alpha TV, Odeon, Efficaz Ivestments, Mythos Ltd., Greek Film Centre
✓ Country : Greece
✓ Cast : Petros Filippidis, Evelina Papoulia, Vasilis Halakatevakis, Katerina Skourli, Matthildi Maggira, Aspasia Tzitzikaki, Silvia Venizelea, Afroditi Al-Saleh, Maria Martika, Iosif Vardakis

Synopsis of Bonus (2001)

Pandelis is a garbageman who is anxiously waiting to retire and receive his well-earned superannuation payout. His wife and mother-in-law are also awaiting the super payout, but they have different ideas as to how the money should be spent. The usually submissive and calm Pandelis suddenly decides to react... Philippides does a sterling job as the long-suffering Pandelis and his vicissitudes leave one with a warm feeling. Unlikely though the scenario may seem, one wishes it to be true, thus giving hope for the many Pandelides out there who find themselves contemplating life in their middle years with regret and disappointment.

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Well, Bonus (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Bonus (2001) itselft directed by Nikos Zapatinas, Christos Voupouras and Starring by Petros Filippidis, Evelina Papoulia, Vasilis Halakatevakis, Katerina Skourli, Matthildi Maggira, Aspasia Tzitzikaki, Silvia Venizelea, Afroditi Al-Saleh, Maria Martika, Iosif Vardakis which made Bonus (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Bonus (2001)

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