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Who's Your Monkey? (2007)

Movies Detail of Who's Your Monkey? (2007)

✓ Title : Who's Your Monkey?
✓ Original Title : Throwing Stars
✓ Release Date : June 10th, 2007
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 86 minutes
✓ Director : Todd Breau
✓ Writer : Ryan Steckloff
✓ Company : Screen Media Films
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Scott Michael Campbell, Ali Hillis, David DeLuise, Susan May Pratt, Kevin Durand, Scott Grimes, Jason London, Wayne Knight, Donald Dowd

Synopsis of Who's Your Monkey? (2007)

In Jacksonville, Florida, four friends since grade school who are now in their early 30s face the challenges of adulthood: Hutto is about to become a father, Laith is intimidated by his girlfriend's sexuality, a grieving Bobby drinks heavily and sleeps on the grave of a girlfriend who's been dead 18 months, and Mark, an OB/GYN who loves his work, can't practice medicine because he can't afford malpractice insurance. Things come to a head when Mark needs his three friends' help after a belligerent animal-abusing pornographer attacks Mark with a gun over something Laith did. A midnight road trip tests friendship: can the guys help each other?

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Well, Who's Your Monkey? (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Who's Your Monkey? (2007) itselft directed by Todd Breau and Starring by Scott Michael Campbell, Ali Hillis, David DeLuise, Susan May Pratt, Kevin Durand, Scott Grimes, Jason London, Wayne Knight, Donald Dowd which made Who's Your Monkey? (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Who's Your Monkey? (2007)

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