Movies Detail of The Secret of Polichinelle (1997)
✓ Title : The Secret of Polichinelle
✓ Original Title : Le secret de Polichinelle
✓ Release Date : August 27th, 1997
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Franck Landron
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Aure Atika, Sweta Sizowa, Martine Cottier, Isabelle Janier, Dominique Duthuit, Julien Rassam, Nathalie Schmidt, Franck Landron, Gilles Cahoreau, Dominique Frot
✓ Original Title : Le secret de Polichinelle
✓ Release Date : August 27th, 1997
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Director : Franck Landron
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Aure Atika, Sweta Sizowa, Martine Cottier, Isabelle Janier, Dominique Duthuit, Julien Rassam, Nathalie Schmidt, Franck Landron, Gilles Cahoreau, Dominique Frot
Synopsis of The Secret of Polichinelle (1997)
After a New Year's Eve party, 30-year-old fashion designer Rebecca (Nathalie Schmidt) awakens alone in a strange automobile. Later, during a routine visit to her gynecologist, she learns that she's pregnant. Unable to recall anyone responsible, she attempts to find the father as she treks through Paris streets, quizzes her girlfriends, and visits a Belgian detective. With few leads, her search drags on for months.
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Well, The Secret of Polichinelle (1997) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Secret of Polichinelle (1997) itselft directed by Franck Landron and Starring by Aure Atika, Sweta Sizowa, Martine Cottier, Isabelle Janier, Dominique Duthuit, Julien Rassam, Nathalie Schmidt, Franck Landron, Gilles Cahoreau, Dominique Frot which made The Secret of Polichinelle (1997) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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