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The Falls: Testament Of Love (2013)

Movies Detail of The Falls: Testament Of Love (2013)

✓ Title : The Falls: Testament Of Love
✓ Release Date : December 10th, 2013
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 123 minutes
✓ Director : Jon García
✓ Writer : Jon García
✓ Company : Lake Productions
✓ Country : United States of America
✓ Cast : Aaron Brian, Benjamin Farmer, Megan Carver, Trish Egan, Michael Draper, Brian Allard, Nick Ferrucci, Bryan Bernart, Hannah Barefoot, Andrew Bray

Synopsis of The Falls: Testament Of Love (2013)

The Falls: Testament of Love is a continuation of the story of RJ Smith and Chris Merrill, two Mormon missionaries that fell in love during their mission in a small town in Oregon. The boys haven't spoken in five years, but when an unexpected tragedy compells them back to the Oregon town where they served, they find themselves, once again, thrust into one another's lives. As old feelings begin to surface they find themselves again facing difficult choices. If they pursue their desire to be together, RJ and Chris risk hurting the ones they care about as they embark on a spiritual journey to discover love, freedom, and happiness.

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Well, The Falls: Testament Of Love (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Falls: Testament Of Love (2013) itselft directed by Jon García and Starring by Aaron Brian, Benjamin Farmer, Megan Carver, Trish Egan, Michael Draper, Brian Allard, Nick Ferrucci, Bryan Bernart, Hannah Barefoot, Andrew Bray which made The Falls: Testament Of Love (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Falls: Testament Of Love (2013)

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