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Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1989)

Movies Detail of Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1989)

✓ Title : Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere
✓ Release Date : November 30th, 1989
✓ Runtime : 69 minutes
✓ Director : Giovanni Amadei
✓ Cast : David D'Ingeo, Valentine Demy, Carmen Di Pietro, Alessandro Freyberger, Domenico Fortunato, Cristina Rinaldi

Synopsis of Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1989)

A young woman watching accidentally killing an unknown in the offices of her lover. From now on she's on the run, chased by an SUV who seeks her after life. The woman is desperate to escape their fate and experienced a world of humiliation and fear. After being raped she takes her fate into their own hands - the hunted becomes the hunter.

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Well, Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1989) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1989) itselft directed by Giovanni Amadei and Starring by David D'Ingeo, Valentine Demy, Carmen Di Pietro, Alessandro Freyberger, Domenico Fortunato, Cristina Rinaldi which made Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1989) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hard Car - Desiderio sfrenato del piacere (1989)

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