Movies Detail of The Golden Lady (1979)
✓ Title : The Golden Lady
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1979
✓ Genres : Action, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : José Ramón Larraz
✓ Writer : Joshua Sinclair
✓ Countries : Hong Kong, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Nina Carter, June Chadwick, Boris Isarov, Derrick Branche, Ina Skriver, Stephan Chase, Anika Pavel, Ava Cadell, Suzanne Danielle, Edward de Souza
✓ Release Date : January 1st, 1979
✓ Genres : Action, Thriller
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : José Ramón Larraz
✓ Writer : Joshua Sinclair
✓ Countries : Hong Kong, United Kingdom
✓ Cast : Nina Carter, June Chadwick, Boris Isarov, Derrick Branche, Ina Skriver, Stephan Chase, Anika Pavel, Ava Cadell, Suzanne Danielle, Edward de Souza
Synopsis of The Golden Lady (1979)
A wealthy industrialist hires Julia Hemingway and her elite team of female mercenaries to sabotage a deal between his competitor and an oil sheik.
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Well, The Golden Lady (1979) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Golden Lady (1979) itselft directed by José Ramón Larraz and Starring by Nina Carter, June Chadwick, Boris Isarov, Derrick Branche, Ina Skriver, Stephan Chase, Anika Pavel, Ava Cadell, Suzanne Danielle, Edward de Souza which made The Golden Lady (1979) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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◈ Historia Completa De The Golden Lady - A story about vampires, reanimated bodies that feed on the blood of the living, based on European folklore. Bram Stokers Dracula created many of the genres conventions.
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◈ The Golden Lady Movie Free Unblocked - A subgenre of fantasy that can refer to literary, artistic, and filmic works that combine fantasy with elements of horror. The term can be used broadly to refer to fantastical works that have a dark, gloomy atmosphere or a sense of horror and dread and a dark, often brooding, tone.
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◈ The Golden Lady Full Movie Vidzi - Urban fiction, also known as street lit, is a literary genre set, as the name implies, in a city landscape; however, the genre is as much defined by the race and culture of its characters as the urban setting. The tone for urban fiction is usually dark, focusing on the underside. Profanity (all of George Carlins seven dirty words and urban variations thereof), sex and violence are usually explicit, with the writer not shying away from or watering-down the material. In this respect, urban fiction shares some common threads with dystopian or survivalist fiction. In the second wave of urban fiction, some variations of this model have been seen.
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