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Im Weissen Rössl - Wehe, du singst! (2013)

Movies Detail of Im Weissen Rössl - Wehe, du singst! (2013)

✓ Title : Im Weissen Rössl - Wehe, du singst!
✓ Release Date : November 7th, 2013
✓ Genre : Comedy
✓ Runtime : 97 minutes
✓ Director : Christian Theede
✓ Writer : Jan Berger
✓ Companies : Graf Film, Senator Film, Regina Ziegler Filmproduktion, ZDF, ORF
✓ Countries : Germany, Austria
✓ Cast : Aykut Kayacık, Ben Ruedinger, Edita Malovčić, Armin Rohde, Tobias Licht, Gregor Bloéb, Sarah Wiener, Fritz Karl, Diana Amft, Julia Cencig

Synopsis of Im Weissen Rössl - Wehe, du singst! (2013)

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Well, Im Weissen Rössl - Wehe, du singst! (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Im Weissen Rössl - Wehe, du singst! (2013) itselft directed by Christian Theede and Starring by Aykut Kayacık, Ben Ruedinger, Edita Malovčić, Armin Rohde, Tobias Licht, Gregor Bloéb, Sarah Wiener, Fritz Karl, Diana Amft, Julia Cencig which made Im Weissen Rössl - Wehe, du singst! (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Im Weissen Rössl - Wehe, du singst! (2013)

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