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The Magic Garter Belt (1980)

Movies Detail of The Magic Garter Belt (1980)

✓ Title : The Magic Garter Belt
✓ Original Title : El liguero mágico
✓ Release Date : December 19th, 1980
✓ Genres : Fantasy, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Mariano Ozores
✓ Writer : Mariano Ozores
✓ Company : José Frade Producciones Cinematográficas
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : María Isbert, Adriana Vega, Andrés Pajares, Fernando Bilbao, Luis Lorenzo, María Luisa Ponte, Alexia Loreto, Adriana Ozores, Antonio Ozores, Blaki

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Well, The Magic Garter Belt (1980) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Magic Garter Belt (1980) itselft directed by Mariano Ozores and Starring by María Isbert, Adriana Vega, Andrés Pajares, Fernando Bilbao, Luis Lorenzo, María Luisa Ponte, Alexia Loreto, Adriana Ozores, Antonio Ozores, Blaki which made The Magic Garter Belt (1980) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Magic Garter Belt (1980)

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