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Hole In The Wall (2014)

Movies Detail of Hole In The Wall (2014)

✓ Title : Hole In The Wall
✓ Release Date : September 26th, 2014
✓ Runtime : 79 minutes
✓ Directors : Steve Goltz, Kevin Sommerfield, Andrew N. Shearer, Cory Udler, Derrick Carey, Rob Michels, Carolyn Baker, Greg Johnson
✓ Cast : Tom Running, Alyssa Spangler, Blade Braxton, Andrew N. Shearer, Heather Dorff, Judith O'Dea

Synopsis of Hole In The Wall (2014)

7 nightmarish films. A brute shows a local boy hell through his haunted ax, the streets of Madison are stalked by a deranged sexual psychopath, Ed Gein is resurrected as a dentist with a penchant for extraction, the flipside of the American family screams itself to life, and an elicit drug transforms a singer into the angel of death!!! Hole in the Wall brings the nasty underbelly of life right into your home.

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Well, Hole In The Wall (2014) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Hole In The Wall (2014) itselft directed by Steve Goltz, Kevin Sommerfield, Andrew N. Shearer, Cory Udler, Derrick Carey, Rob Michels, Carolyn Baker, Greg Johnson and Starring by Tom Running, Alyssa Spangler, Blade Braxton, Andrew N. Shearer, Heather Dorff, Judith O'Dea which made Hole In The Wall (2014) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Hole In The Wall (2014)

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