Movies Detail of Time Of My Life (2012)
✓ Title : Time Of My Life
✓ Original Title : Tot Altijd
✓ Release Date : January 25th, 2012
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Director : Nic Balthazar
✓ Writer : Nic Balthazar
✓ Cast : Viviane de Muynck, Felix Maesschalck, Lotte Pinoy, Iwein Segers, An Miller, Geert Van Rampelberg, Eva van der Gucht, Koen De Graeve, Ben Segers, Michel van Dousselaere
✓ Original Title : Tot Altijd
✓ Release Date : January 25th, 2012
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 120 minutes
✓ Director : Nic Balthazar
✓ Writer : Nic Balthazar
✓ Cast : Viviane de Muynck, Felix Maesschalck, Lotte Pinoy, Iwein Segers, An Miller, Geert Van Rampelberg, Eva van der Gucht, Koen De Graeve, Ben Segers, Michel van Dousselaere
Synopsis of Time Of My Life (2012)
Based on a true story, 'Tot altijd' introduces us to a band of friends in the eighties, who spend their days enjoying their youth and turbulent (love) life. Years later, Thomas, a recent medicine graduate and Mario's closest friend, gets stuck between a rock and a hard place when he diagnoses Mario with MS (Multiple Sclerosis). Though not a fatal disease, it slowly consumes the patient's bodily functions and - in some cases - their minds. Mario becomes the leading spokesman for the action group "Waardig Sterven" ("Dignified Death") in support of the Belgian legalisation of euthanasia. Thomas does everything in his power to avoid losing his best friend, but also can't stand the sight of his continued degeneration...
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Well, Time Of My Life (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Time Of My Life (2012) itselft directed by Nic Balthazar and Starring by Viviane de Muynck, Felix Maesschalck, Lotte Pinoy, Iwein Segers, An Miller, Geert Van Rampelberg, Eva van der Gucht, Koen De Graeve, Ben Segers, Michel van Dousselaere which made Time Of My Life (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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