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Asero (1995)

Movies Detail of Asero (1995)

✓ Title : Asero
✓ Release Date : August 30th, 1995
✓ Genres : Drama, Action
✓ Director : Joey Del Rosario
✓ Writer : Ricardo Lee
✓ Company : Star Cinema – ABS-CBN Film Productions
✓ Country : Philippines
✓ Cast : Jao Mapa, Cesar Montano, Paula Peralejo, Lito Legaspi, Kristopher Peralta, Patrick Garcia, Al Tantay, Bembol Roco, Gelli De Belen, Ricky Davao

Synopsis of Asero (1995)

Childhood friends Victor and Narding built their friendship in the street. At a very young age, they were partners performing dangerous activities. However, Narding heeds his foster parents’ request for him to enter the seminary to become a priest. Victor is left alone without any parental support. Later on, he grows up to be a criminal. His wayward ways eventually got him imprisoned. Meanwhile, Narding became a good priest. He visits his old friend Victor in the prison and supported him until he finished his term. Narding accompanies Victor to their hometown where Narding works as a parish priest. Albeit their friendship has rekindled, Victor and Narding argue because of their different ways of raising homeless kids. Victor trains them the rough and dangerous ways, while Narding wants them to settle everything in a peaceful manner.

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Well, Asero (1995) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Asero (1995) itselft directed by Joey Del Rosario and Starring by Jao Mapa, Cesar Montano, Paula Peralejo, Lito Legaspi, Kristopher Peralta, Patrick Garcia, Al Tantay, Bembol Roco, Gelli De Belen, Ricky Davao which made Asero (1995) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Asero (1995)

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