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Like a Star Shining in the Night (2008)

Movies Detail of Like a Star Shining in the Night (2008)

✓ Title : Like a Star Shining in the Night
✓ Original Title : Comme une étoile dans la nuit
✓ Release Date : December 3rd, 2008
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : René Féret
✓ Writer : René Féret
✓ Companies : Les Films Alyne, Région Ile-de-France
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Guillaume Verdier, Marilyne Canto, Sabrina Seyvecou, Denis Eyriey, Jean-François Stévenin, René Féret, Salomé Stévenin, Aurélia Petit, Nicolas Giraud

Synopsis of Like a Star Shining in the Night (2008)

A young couple finds out what love truly means when one of them has a brush with death. When Anne and Marc met, it was love at first sight, and the longer they were together, the more they realized they never wanted to be apart. But not long after they married, Marc's doctor discoveres some unexpected symptoms...

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Well, Like a Star Shining in the Night (2008) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Like a Star Shining in the Night (2008) itselft directed by René Féret and Starring by Guillaume Verdier, Marilyne Canto, Sabrina Seyvecou, Denis Eyriey, Jean-François Stévenin, René Féret, Salomé Stévenin, Aurélia Petit, Nicolas Giraud which made Like a Star Shining in the Night (2008) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Like a Star Shining in the Night (2008)

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