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The Isle of Death (2006)

Movies Detail of The Isle of Death (2006)

✓ Title : The Isle of Death
✓ Original Title : El cayo de la muerte
✓ Release Date : January 2nd, 2006
✓ Genre : Adventure
✓ Runtime : 88 minutes
✓ Director : Wolney Oliveira
✓ Writers : Manuel Rodríguez, Arturo Infante, Alfonso Zarauza
✓ Companies : Iroko Films, ICAIC, Bucanero Filmes
✓ Countries : Brazil, Cuba, Spain
✓ Cast : Rodolfo Caleb Casas, Laura Ramos, Alberto Pujol, Isabel Cristina Santos Téllez

Synopsis of The Isle of Death (2006)

Cuba, 1958. Rodolfo is 20 years old and dreams of becoming a movie director. His father is a persecuted member of the revolutionary movement and the family is obliged to flee Havana, taking refuge in a boring village.

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Well, The Isle of Death (2006) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Isle of Death (2006) itselft directed by Wolney Oliveira and Starring by Rodolfo Caleb Casas, Laura Ramos, Alberto Pujol, Isabel Cristina Santos Téllez which made The Isle of Death (2006) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Isle of Death (2006)

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