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Baztan (2012)

Movies Detail of Baztan (2012)

✓ Title : Baztan
✓ Release Date : October 5th, 2012
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Iñaki Elizalde
✓ Writers : Michel Gaztambide, Iñaki Elizalde
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Carmelo Gómez, Patxi Bengoetxea, Txema Blasco, Ramón Agirre, Unax Ugalde, José Ramón Argoitia, Mirentxu Goienetxe, Juainas Paul, Joseba Apaolaza, Jone Lizartza

Synopsis of Baztan (2012)

A film crew travels to the Valley of Baztan to make a film about certain events that occurred in the seventeenth century is the history of discrimination suffered by so-called "agotes", people who were forced to live apart from the rest almost to our days.

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Well, Baztan (2012) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Baztan (2012) itselft directed by Iñaki Elizalde and Starring by Carmelo Gómez, Patxi Bengoetxea, Txema Blasco, Ramón Agirre, Unax Ugalde, José Ramón Argoitia, Mirentxu Goienetxe, Juainas Paul, Joseba Apaolaza, Jone Lizartza which made Baztan (2012) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Baztan (2012)

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