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I am an Addict (2019)

Movies Detail of I am an Addict (2019)

✓ Title : I am an Addict
✓ Release Date : November 16th, 2019
✓ Directors : Pedro André, Michael J. Epstein, Sam Mason Bell, Adam Nelson, Rob Ulitski, Harry Bartholomew, Alan Custer, Shannon Katie Hopkins
✓ Cast : Chris Mills, Adam Nelson, Katt Pearson, Michael Feldsher, Seth Chatfield, Jamie Langlands, Finnian Nainby-Luxmore, Michael J. Epstein, Annabella Rich, Thomas Byrne

Synopsis of I am an Addict (2019)

An anachronistic public access TV channel plays host to a self-help guru with one goal- to scare viewers out of whatever addiction may be plaguing them. Using his trademarked "Eight Step Action Plan", he covers topics ranging from sex to gluttony, each of them glitching into a terrifying tale of addiction gone wrong. Eight international directors take on these stories, presenting horrifying shorts focused on the darkest and most surreal side of addiction.

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Well, I am an Addict (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The I am an Addict (2019) itselft directed by Pedro André, Michael J. Epstein, Sam Mason Bell, Adam Nelson, Rob Ulitski, Harry Bartholomew, Alan Custer, Shannon Katie Hopkins and Starring by Chris Mills, Adam Nelson, Katt Pearson, Michael Feldsher, Seth Chatfield, Jamie Langlands, Finnian Nainby-Luxmore, Michael J. Epstein, Annabella Rich, Thomas Byrne which made I am an Addict (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

I am an Addict (2019)

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