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The God of Wood (2010)

Movies Detail of The God of Wood (2010)

✓ Title : The God of Wood
✓ Original Title : El dios de madera
✓ Release Date : July 16th, 2010
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 116 minutes
✓ Director : Vicente Molina Foix
✓ Writer : Vicente Molina Foix
✓ Companies : DC Medias, Sagrera Audiovisuals, Metrojavier
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Sonia Almarcha, Alba Ferrara, Nao Albet, Empar Ferrer, Madi Diocou, Olga Alamán, Marisa Paredes, Nuria Herrero, Ángela Castilla, Lola Moltó

Synopsis of The God of Wood (2010)

Yao and Moroccan Rachid arrive illegally in Valencia, Spain, and separate. Yao sells pirated DVDs in the street and wanders disconsolately around the barrio until he glimpses divorcee Maria Luisa working in her boutique. High-strung and irritable, Maria lives with her gay son, Rober, who, like many other things in life, is a disappointment to her. Rachid, meanwhile, is doing just fine working as a hairstylist in a beauty salon; Rober is hopelessly in love with him. When Yao starts sleeping in Rober's flat, a confrontation between him and Maria suddenly becomes inevitable, and when it comes, what could have been an embarrassment is actually handled with grace.

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Well, The God of Wood (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The God of Wood (2010) itselft directed by Vicente Molina Foix and Starring by Sonia Almarcha, Alba Ferrara, Nao Albet, Empar Ferrer, Madi Diocou, Olga Alamán, Marisa Paredes, Nuria Herrero, Ángela Castilla, Lola Moltó which made The God of Wood (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The God of Wood (2010)

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