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Eye on Juliet (2018)

Movies Detail of Eye on Juliet (2018)

✓ Title : Eye on Juliet
✓ Release Date : April 20th, 2018
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Kim Nguyen
✓ Writer : Kim Nguyen
✓ Countries : Canada, France, Morocco
✓ Cast : M'Barek El Mamoudi, Mohammed Sakhi, Brent Skagford, Hatim Seddiki, Lina El Arabi, Joe Cole, Mansour Badri, Amal Ayouch, Soumiya Abdelkader, Faycal Zeglat

Synopsis of Eye on Juliet (2018)

The story of an unlikely encounter between Gordon, a hexapod operator, and Ayusha, a young woman from the Middle East. Gordon, guardian of a pipeline in this desert region, becomes fascinated by Ayusha, while piloting his robotic spider from the other side of the world, in America. Ayusha is promised to an older man she doesn't love. Despite the distance, their mutual fear and their imperfect interaction, he will do everything in his power to help her escape her fate.

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Well, Eye on Juliet (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Eye on Juliet (2018) itselft directed by Kim Nguyen and Starring by M'Barek El Mamoudi, Mohammed Sakhi, Brent Skagford, Hatim Seddiki, Lina El Arabi, Joe Cole, Mansour Badri, Amal Ayouch, Soumiya Abdelkader, Faycal Zeglat which made Eye on Juliet (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Eye on Juliet (2018)

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