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The Case of Unfaithful Klara (2009)

Movies Detail of The Case of Unfaithful Klara (2009)

✓ Title : The Case of Unfaithful Klara
✓ Original Title : Il caso dell'infedele Klara
✓ Release Date : March 27th, 2009
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Director : Roberto Faenza
✓ Writers : Roberto Faenza, Michal Viewegh
✓ Countries : Czech Republic, Italy
✓ Cast : Kierston Wareing, Laura Chiatti, Paulina Němcová, Miroslav Šimůnek, Dorota Nvotová, Claudio Santamaria, Yemi A.D., Iain Glen, Adriano Wajskol, Anna Geislerová

Synopsis of The Case of Unfaithful Klara (2009)

In contemporary Prague a young musician is obsessed by jealousy for his beautiful girlfriend Klara. He engages a private detective to spy on Klara but this starts an uncontrollable series of accidents, misunderstandings and traps culminating in an unusual Venice.

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Well, The Case of Unfaithful Klara (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Case of Unfaithful Klara (2009) itselft directed by Roberto Faenza and Starring by Kierston Wareing, Laura Chiatti, Paulina Němcová, Miroslav Šimůnek, Dorota Nvotová, Claudio Santamaria, Yemi A.D., Iain Glen, Adriano Wajskol, Anna Geislerová which made The Case of Unfaithful Klara (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Case of Unfaithful Klara (2009)

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