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Macho Callahan (1970)

Movies Detail of Macho Callahan (1970)

✓ Title : Macho Callahan
✓ Release Date : August 17th, 1970
✓ Runtime : 99 minutes
✓ Director : Bernard L. Kowalski
✓ Writers : Richard Carr, Cliff Gould
✓ Countries : Mexico, United States of America
✓ Cast : Lee J. Cobb, Richard Anderson, James Booth, Jean Seberg, Anne Revere, David Janssen, David Carradine, Bo Hopkins, Diane Ladd, Pedro Armendáriz Jr.

Synopsis of Macho Callahan (1970)

A man tricked into enlisting in the Confederate army is later thrown into a hellish stockade on desertion charges. He eventually breaks out of the prison camp, reunites with his old partner and sets out to kill the man who was responsible for his being in the camp in the first place. However, after accidentally killing a Confederate officer, he finds himself pursued by a gang of vicious bounty hunters intent on collecting the reward put up by the dead officer's widow.

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Well, Macho Callahan (1970) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Macho Callahan (1970) itselft directed by Bernard L. Kowalski and Starring by Lee J. Cobb, Richard Anderson, James Booth, Jean Seberg, Anne Revere, David Janssen, David Carradine, Bo Hopkins, Diane Ladd, Pedro Armendáriz Jr. which made Macho Callahan (1970) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Macho Callahan (1970)

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