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The Idiot Returns (1999)

Movies Detail of The Idiot Returns (1999)

✓ Title : The Idiot Returns
✓ Original Title : Návrat idiota
✓ Release Date : February 25th, 1999
✓ Runtime : 100 minutes
✓ Director : Saša Gedeon
✓ Writers : Fyodor Dostoevsky, Saša Gedeon
✓ Companies : ZDF, Cinemasound, Stillking Films, Česká televize, Negativ
✓ Countries : Czech Republic, Germany
✓ Cast : Jiří Langmajer, Anna Polívková, Yvetta Janousková, Jitka Smutná, Tatiana Vilhelmová, Pavel Marek, Pavel Liška, Anna Geislerová, Zdena Hadrbolcová, Jiří Macháček

Synopsis of The Idiot Returns (1999)

Frantisek, the main character is returning to his family. Until now he's been, "successfully" avoiding all relationships. He is an ingenuous and a pure person and thus, is regarded as an idiot. He becomes involved in various love and family conflicts. It is because he hasn't experienced much of the "real" life that he is able to perceive human relationships in their genuineness.

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Well, The Idiot Returns (1999) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Idiot Returns (1999) itselft directed by Saša Gedeon and Starring by Jiří Langmajer, Anna Polívková, Yvetta Janousková, Jitka Smutná, Tatiana Vilhelmová, Pavel Marek, Pavel Liška, Anna Geislerová, Zdena Hadrbolcová, Jiří Macháček which made The Idiot Returns (1999) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Idiot Returns (1999)

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