Movies Detail of In the Heart (2015)
✓ Title : In the Heart
✓ Original Title : Onder het hart
✓ Release Date : January 15th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Nicole van Kilsdonk
✓ Writer : Peer Wittenbols
✓ Cast : Jurjen van Loon, Frank Lammers, Kim van Kooten, Koen De Graeve, Christine de Boer, Kay Greidanus, Lies Visschedijk, Lizzy van Vleuten, Meral Polat, Hanna Obbeek
✓ Original Title : Onder het hart
✓ Release Date : January 15th, 2015
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Nicole van Kilsdonk
✓ Writer : Peer Wittenbols
✓ Cast : Jurjen van Loon, Frank Lammers, Kim van Kooten, Koen De Graeve, Christine de Boer, Kay Greidanus, Lies Visschedijk, Lizzy van Vleuten, Meral Polat, Hanna Obbeek
Synopsis of In the Heart (2015)
Masha is in an overwhelming relationship with Luuk, father of two and separated. Nothing seems to stand in their way until Luuk turns incurably ill, leaving Masha without status.
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Well, In the Heart (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The In the Heart (2015) itselft directed by Nicole van Kilsdonk and Starring by Jurjen van Loon, Frank Lammers, Kim van Kooten, Koen De Graeve, Christine de Boer, Kay Greidanus, Lies Visschedijk, Lizzy van Vleuten, Meral Polat, Hanna Obbeek which made In the Heart (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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