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Real Love (2019)

Movies Detail of Real Love (2019)

✓ Title : Real Love
✓ Original Title : C'est ça l'amour
✓ Release Date : March 27th, 2019
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 98 minutes
✓ Director : Claire Burger
✓ Writer : Claire Burger
✓ Companies : Dharamsala, ARTE France Cinéma, Mars Films
✓ Countries : Belgium, France
✓ Cast : Sarah Henochsberg, Lorenzo Demanget, Justine Lacroix, Cécile Remy-Boutang, Célia Mayer, Bouli Lanners, Antonia Buresi, Tiago Gandra

Synopsis of Real Love (2019)

Forbach, East of France, today. Mario, a man without much ambition, except where love is concerned, is back to square one after his wife left home. He now must raise his two adolescent daughters by himself, while going through some sort of a teenage crisis of his own. 14-year-old Frida blames her father for their mother's leaving and she develops ambivalent feelings towards her new girlfriend. 17-year-old Niki will soon leave home. Until then, she lives the good life. Mario can't help but lose the women he loves. Yet they must all agree to let one another go.

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Well, Real Love (2019) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Real Love (2019) itselft directed by Claire Burger and Starring by Sarah Henochsberg, Lorenzo Demanget, Justine Lacroix, Cécile Remy-Boutang, Célia Mayer, Bouli Lanners, Antonia Buresi, Tiago Gandra which made Real Love (2019) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Real Love (2019)

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