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The Storm (2009)

Movies Detail of The Storm (2009)

✓ Title : The Storm
✓ Original Title : De storm
✓ Release Date : September 17th, 2009
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 96 minutes
✓ Director : Ben Sombogaart
✓ Writers : Rik Launspach, Marjolein Beumer
✓ Companies : Focus Features International (FFI), Universal Pictures Benelux, Nijenhuis & de Levita Film & TV B.V.
✓ Countries : Belgium, Netherlands
✓ Cast : Lottie Hellingman, Sanne den Hartogh, Sylvia Hoeks, Barry Atsma, Elsa May Averill, Bas Keijzer, Dirk Roofthooft, Serge Price, Katja Herbers, Monic Hendrickx

Synopsis of The Storm (2009)

A fictional story within the historical context of the disastrous flood that engulfed the Dutch coastal province of Zeeland in 1953. When their farmhouse is destroyed by the flood, teenage mother Julia gets separated from her baby boy, whom she kept hidden in a box. She is saved from drowning by a young air force lieutenant, who agrees to go help looking for Julia's little son.

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Well, The Storm (2009) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Storm (2009) itselft directed by Ben Sombogaart and Starring by Lottie Hellingman, Sanne den Hartogh, Sylvia Hoeks, Barry Atsma, Elsa May Averill, Bas Keijzer, Dirk Roofthooft, Serge Price, Katja Herbers, Monic Hendrickx which made The Storm (2009) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Storm (2009)

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