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The Public Woman (1984)

Movies Detail of The Public Woman (1984)

✓ Title : The Public Woman
✓ Original Title : La Femme publique
✓ Release Date : June 16th, 1984
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 113 minutes
✓ Director : Andrzej Żuławski
✓ Writers : Andrzej Żuławski, Dominique Garnier, Dominique Garnier
✓ Company : Hachette-Fox Productions
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Francis Huster, Lambert Wilson, Olivier Achard, Diane Delor, Roger Dumas, Gisèle Pascal, Yveline Ailhaud, Valérie Kaprisky, Patrick Bauchau, Jean-Paul Farré

Synopsis of The Public Woman (1984)

An inexperienced young actress is invited to play a role in a film based on Dostoyevsky's 'The Possessed'. The film director, a Czech immigrant in Paris, takes over her life, and in a short time she is unable to draw the line between acting and reality. She winds up playing a real-life role posing as the dead wife of another Czech immigrant, who is manipulated by the filmmaker into commiting a political assassination.

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Well, The Public Woman (1984) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Public Woman (1984) itselft directed by Andrzej Żuławski and Starring by Francis Huster, Lambert Wilson, Olivier Achard, Diane Delor, Roger Dumas, Gisèle Pascal, Yveline Ailhaud, Valérie Kaprisky, Patrick Bauchau, Jean-Paul Farré which made The Public Woman (1984) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Public Woman (1984)

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