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The Watchers: Revelation (2013)

Movies Detail of The Watchers: Revelation (2013)

✓ Title : The Watchers: Revelation
✓ Release Date : March 1st, 2013
✓ Genres : Action, Adventure
✓ Director : Tom Dallis
✓ Writer : Tom Dallis
✓ Cast : Tyler Trent, David Gaylor, Kyle Hotz, Annie Williams, Carissa Dallis

Synopsis of The Watchers: Revelation (2013)

An inexplicable archeological find leads Dr. Peter Kenner to conclude that we are not alone, aliens have visited the Earth in the distant past and have now returned. Struggling to reconcile the evidence with his once held religious views, Peter turns to his uncle, Josh Sanders, a retired scientist and a man of strong Christian faith. Meanwhile, Sarah Pennington seeks protection for her young daughter, Kara, believing the extraterrestrials are bent on abducting the gifted nine-year-old as they did Sarah's husband three years earlier. When the four are brought together by Ethan, a mysterious stranger, Peter and Sarah wrestle with their own beliefs as Josh seeks to convince them of the truth. It becomes clear that Kara has a very special gift-one that can expose the true nature of the extraterrestrials.

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Well, The Watchers: Revelation (2013) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Watchers: Revelation (2013) itselft directed by Tom Dallis and Starring by Tyler Trent, David Gaylor, Kyle Hotz, Annie Williams, Carissa Dallis which made The Watchers: Revelation (2013) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Watchers: Revelation (2013)

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