Movies Detail of Pal System (2002)
✓ Title : Pal System
✓ Original Title : Krugerandy
✓ Release Date : November 12th, 2002
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Wojciech Nowak
✓ Cast : Jerzy Trela, Joanna Sienkiewicz, Beata Tyszkiewicz, Marek Kasprzyk, Marcin Dorociński, Borys Jaźnicki, Aleksandra Nieśpielak, Maciej Stuhr
✓ Original Title : Krugerandy
✓ Release Date : November 12th, 2002
✓ Runtime : 91 minutes
✓ Director : Wojciech Nowak
✓ Cast : Jerzy Trela, Joanna Sienkiewicz, Beata Tyszkiewicz, Marek Kasprzyk, Marcin Dorociński, Borys Jaźnicki, Aleksandra Nieśpielak, Maciej Stuhr
Synopsis of Pal System (2002)
A group of students of the last year of the local motor technical school is slowly entering adult life. An atmosphere of emptiness and hopelessness reigns around them. Young people have no idea for their future, but they do not want to duplicate the pattern of a poor existence according to which their parents live. One of them, Arek, had a chance to break out of this vicious circle for a moment. The possibility of a brilliant career, fame and a lot of money was opening up to him, the Polish Junior Champion in Kickboxing. Serious heart disease shattered these plans. Arek dreams of renting a flat and freeing himself from his alcoholic father. Together with Lalka, Panicz, Mucha and Renata - his closest friends, he often visits the Kosmos pub, owned by the local mafioso Marsel. One day Marsel offers Arek and Mucha a jump: they are to break into the apartment on the top floor of a skyscraper.
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Well, Pal System (2002) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Pal System (2002) itselft directed by Wojciech Nowak and Starring by Jerzy Trela, Joanna Sienkiewicz, Beata Tyszkiewicz, Marek Kasprzyk, Marcin Dorociński, Borys Jaźnicki, Aleksandra Nieśpielak, Maciej Stuhr which made Pal System (2002) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.
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