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The Names of Christ (2010)

Movies Detail of The Names of Christ (2010)

✓ Title : The Names of Christ
✓ Original Title : Els noms de Crist
✓ Release Date : November 5th, 2010
✓ Genres : TV Movie, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 193 minutes
✓ Director : Albert Serra
✓ Writer : Albert Serra
✓ Company : Andergraun Films
✓ Country : Spain
✓ Cast : Román Bayarri, Albert Serra, Nanu Ferrari, Lluís Serrat, Victòria Aragonés, Gerard Teixidor, Lluís Carbó, Jordi Pau Costa, Montse Triola

Synopsis of The Names of Christ (2010)

Episodic film, divided into 14 chapters, based on the play De los nombres de Cristo (1586), by Fray Luis de Leon and intended for exhibition "Are You Ready for TV?". Filmed partly in the rooms of MACBA (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona), is about the difficulty of naming or visually represent abstract concepts.

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Well, The Names of Christ (2010) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The The Names of Christ (2010) itselft directed by Albert Serra and Starring by Román Bayarri, Albert Serra, Nanu Ferrari, Lluís Serrat, Victòria Aragonés, Gerard Teixidor, Lluís Carbó, Jordi Pau Costa, Montse Triola which made The Names of Christ (2010) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

The Names of Christ (2010)

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