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Étangs Noirs (2018)

Movies Detail of Étangs Noirs (2018)

✓ Title : Étangs Noirs
✓ Release Date : May 5th, 2018
✓ Genre : Mystery
✓ Runtime : 71 minutes
✓ Directors : Pieter Dumoulin, Timeau De Keyser, Rasmus From Heddeghem
✓ Writers : Pieter Dumoulin, Timeau De Keyser
✓ Companies : Accattone Films, TONEELHUIS
✓ Country : Belgium
✓ Cast : Maka Sakhelashvili, Cédric Luvuezo, Marcela Jara, Monique Pironnet, Makvala Pirtskhalava-Sakhelashvili, Solange Diata, Freddy Wathelet, Mariam Mkheidze, Mona Mina Leon, Rudy Mira

Synopsis of Étangs Noirs (2018)

Jimi, a young man living in the Brussels' neighbourhood Cité Modèle, tries to pass on a parcel to a local woman that was delivered to his apartment by mistake. When Jimi can't locate her, finding her becomes an obsession.

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Well, Étangs Noirs (2018) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Étangs Noirs (2018) itselft directed by Pieter Dumoulin, Timeau De Keyser, Rasmus From Heddeghem and Starring by Maka Sakhelashvili, Cédric Luvuezo, Marcela Jara, Monique Pironnet, Makvala Pirtskhalava-Sakhelashvili, Solange Diata, Freddy Wathelet, Mariam Mkheidze, Mona Mina Leon, Rudy Mira which made Étangs Noirs (2018) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Étangs Noirs (2018)

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