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An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill (1983)

Movies Detail of An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill (1983)

✓ Title : An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill
✓ Original Title : Epitafium dla Barbary Radziwiłłówny
✓ Release Date : March 14th, 1983
✓ Genres : History, Drama
✓ Runtime : 89 minutes
✓ Director : Janusz Majewski
✓ Writers : Janusz Majewski, Stanisław Kasprzysiak, Halina Auderska
✓ Companies : Zespol Filmowy, Zespol Filmowy "Perspektywa"
✓ Country : Poland
✓ Cast : Krzysztof Kolberger, Marek Kondrat, Hanna Stankówna, Jan Machulski, Jerzy Zelnik, Jerzy Trela, Bożena Adamek, Aleksandra Śląska, Anna Dymna, Zdzisław Kozień

Synopsis of An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill (1983)

Drama about historical figure Barbara Radziwiłł, her romance with King Sigismund II August, her death and her posthumous return to Vilnius.

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Well, An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill (1983) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill (1983) itselft directed by Janusz Majewski and Starring by Krzysztof Kolberger, Marek Kondrat, Hanna Stankówna, Jan Machulski, Jerzy Zelnik, Jerzy Trela, Bożena Adamek, Aleksandra Śląska, Anna Dymna, Zdzisław Kozień which made An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill (1983) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

An Epitaph for Barbara Radziwill (1983)

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