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La voleuse de Saint-Lubin (2001)

Movies Detail of La voleuse de Saint-Lubin (2001)

✓ Title : La voleuse de Saint-Lubin
✓ Release Date : November 9th, 2001
✓ Genre : Drama
✓ Runtime : 78 minutes
✓ Director : Claire Devers
✓ Writers : Claire Devers, Jean-Louis Benoît
✓ Companies : Agat Films & Cie / Ex Nihilo, La Sept-Arte
✓ Country : France
✓ Cast : Maryline Even, Denis Podalydès, Catherine Davenier, Dominique Blanc, Michelle Goddet, Chantal Neuwirth, Christophe Odent, Gérard Giroudon, Yves Verhoeven, Serpentine Teyssier

Synopsis of La voleuse de Saint-Lubin (2001)

Françoise Barnier, the film's heroine, is a mother. One day, she stole something. She was in dire straits but no more so than usual. She was not in debt. She had always refused the degradation of excessive debt and charities, attempting to live in line with the rules laid down by society and the law. We follow her journey through the judicial institution. Here, two ideas of justice and law collide.

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Well, La voleuse de Saint-Lubin (2001) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The La voleuse de Saint-Lubin (2001) itselft directed by Claire Devers and Starring by Maryline Even, Denis Podalydès, Catherine Davenier, Dominique Blanc, Michelle Goddet, Chantal Neuwirth, Christophe Odent, Gérard Giroudon, Yves Verhoeven, Serpentine Teyssier which made La voleuse de Saint-Lubin (2001) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

La voleuse de Saint-Lubin (2001)

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