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Qualquer Gato Vira Lata 2 (2015)

Movies Detail of Qualquer Gato Vira Lata 2 (2015)

✓ Title : Qualquer Gato Vira Lata 2
✓ Release Date : June 4th, 2015
✓ Genres : Romance, Comedy
✓ Runtime : 104 minutes
✓ Directors : Roberto Santucci, Marcelo Antunez
✓ Writer : Paulo Cursino
✓ Companies : Tietê Produções Cinematográficas, Globo Filmes, Sincrocine Produções Cinematográficas
✓ Country : Brazil
✓ Cast : Marcelo Saback, Dudu Azevedo, Stella Miranda, Mel Maia, Fábio Júnior, Álamo Facó, Cleo Pires, Rita Guedes, Malvino Salvador, Letícia Novaes

Synopsis of Qualquer Gato Vira Lata 2 (2015)

With more than 1.2 million spectators, the 2011 feature film, Qualquer Gato Vira-Lata, gets its sequel in QUALQUER GATO VIRA-LATA 2. In the first film, Tati (Cléo Pires) and Conrado (Malvino Salvador) finally get together after a series of misunderstandings with Tati's ex-boyfriend, Marcelo (Dudu Azevedo). In this sequel, the new couple travels to a paradisiac location, a beautiful resort in Mexico where Professor Conrado is going to give a lecture. While there Tati decides to take advantage of the occasion and the beautiful landscape "to take a step forward" in her relationship with Conrado. But her plans do not work out. Marcelo, who is extremely jealous, accompanies everything from afar, finding out that the couple fought he regains hope and packs his bags destination the resort. And now? Who will Tati choose? After various adventures, encounters and mishaps, will Tati finally find her true love?

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Well, Qualquer Gato Vira Lata 2 (2015) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Qualquer Gato Vira Lata 2 (2015) itselft directed by Roberto Santucci, Marcelo Antunez and Starring by Marcelo Saback, Dudu Azevedo, Stella Miranda, Mel Maia, Fábio Júnior, Álamo Facó, Cleo Pires, Rita Guedes, Malvino Salvador, Letícia Novaes which made Qualquer Gato Vira Lata 2 (2015) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Qualquer Gato Vira Lata 2 (2015)

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