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Fairway to Heaven (2007)

Movies Detail of Fairway to Heaven (2007)

✓ Title : Fairway to Heaven
✓ Release Date : June 23rd, 2007
✓ Directors : Ryan Tower, Brandon Worswick
✓ Writer : Ryan Tower
✓ Cast : Dylan Diehl, Ryan Tower, Meredith Grau, Akira Lane, Charlotte J. Helmkamp, Ryan Click

Synopsis of Fairway to Heaven (2007)

The 2007 golf comedy, Fairway to Heaven (a play-on-words on the classic Led Zeppelin song), stars Ryan Tower (who also co-directed) as Brad Tripp, a former hot-shot junior golfer who finds himself with the "dream" once more of becoming a famous, world-class linksman. Surrounded by an (to say the least) unlikely group of assorted hangers-on and supporters, such as a lesbian golf instructor, an ex-girlfriend-turned-nemesis and an annoying caddy who'd be more at home on a surfboard, Tripp somehow manages to make the Tour. It's only then that the two drop-dead gorgeous, bikini-clad, space-gun-wielding aliens appear. At times hilarious, at other times merely ridiculous, Fairway to Heaven tries to be Caddyshack, but too often more closely resembles Porky's.

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Well, Fairway to Heaven (2007) is good movie with a talanted cast and top level director. The Fairway to Heaven (2007) itselft directed by Ryan Tower, Brandon Worswick and Starring by Dylan Diehl, Ryan Tower, Meredith Grau, Akira Lane, Charlotte J. Helmkamp, Ryan Click which made Fairway to Heaven (2007) enjoyable to watch and spending your time alone or with family and friends.

Fairway to Heaven (2007)

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